CRM & Automations

Manage all your data, automatically

We can setup any CRM and Automate the data from any source

Stop juggling spreadsheets and documents, get all of your information inside a customized CRM so you can stay organized and generate reports.


Get your data organized. A CRM or Customer relationship management system is a software that allows you to track people, orders, inventory, tasks and more. Think of it like a master speadsheet for your business. With RainRocks, you aren’t locked into one system, we will setup whatver CRM you prefer, wheter it be Clickup, Monday, Asana, HubSpot, Odoo, or anything else. 

We don’t stop there, once your information is organized, we will set up automations to/from almost any other software or web service. Each package includes video training for unlimited employees. The best part is, you own all of your data so you are never stuck with a provider.

What is a CRM?

A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system manages a company’s interactions with current and potential customers. Benefits include improved customer relationships, streamlined processes, enhanced communication, and data-driven insights. It helps businesses, new or old, increase efficiency, boost sales, and foster customer loyalty.

Businesses Helped
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How Do Automations Help My Business?

With CRM automations, you can set up automated email marketing, lead scoring, task reminders, and sales follow-ups. These automations streamline workflows, reduce manual tasks, and ensure timely responses. Benefits include increased efficiency, improved customer engagement, better data accuracy, and enhanced productivity. Automations help both new and established companies save time and focus on strategic growth.

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What is included



What is included



What is included